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Catholic Care

CatholicCare - helping you, your family and your community thrive.

CatholicCare envisions a society in which we all feel supported and valued. It is this vision that informs all that we do in our work every day. Following this vision, we have been providing social services to the highest standards of governance for more than 80 years. 

Our Client Care Team provides the first point of contact for our services, supporting Sydney families and individuals to find the help they need most

Our Vision

A diverse, thriving society where everyone finds support, purpose, and belonging.

Our Mission

On behalf of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, we collaborate with others to promote dignity, strengthen families and connect communities. We do this so that everyone can access meaningful opportunities and improve their wellbeing.

Our Values

CatholicCare Sydney opens the door to all those who need support with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, addiction, homelessness, or mental wellbeing concerns. Our organisation is guided by five values – collaboration, compassion, courage, inclusion, and empowerment. 

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Cabramatta Site: (02) 9794 0150

Fairfield Site: (02) 9794 0160

Cabramatta Site

Arthur West Memorial Hall
Mcburney Road, Cabramatta 2166
(Located in Cabravale Memorial Park, 
behind PCYC Fairfield - Cabramatta)

Fairfield Site
3/25 Mcburney Road, Fairfield 2165

​Open hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Closed for lunch daily between 1.00pm – 2.00pm

A women's health and well-being initiative, primarily centered on supporting migrant, refugee and disadvantaged women residing with the Fairfield Local Government Area. Fairfield Women's Health Service is jointly auspiced by Bankstown Women's Health Centre and Liverpool Women's Health Centre, and funded by NSW Health through South Western Sydney Local Health District.

©2023 Fairfield Women's Health Service

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