Welcome to Fairfield Women's Health Service (FWHS), a compassionate and dedicated safe space for women.
All about us
At FWHS, we empower women and support them in an inclusive, preventative, trauma-informed and culturally-appropriate ways.
FWHS provide free health and wellbeing support to adult women in the Fairfield Local Government Area with priority to those from one or more of the following backgrounds:
Culturally and linguistically diverse including newly arrived migrants.
Refugee and refugee-like.
Disadvantaged such as financial and/or socially isolated.
FWHS is jointly auspiced by Liverpool Women's Health Centre and Bankstown Women's Health Centre. The objectives and outcomes of our programs and services are aligned with NSW Health priorities such as focusing on mental health issues, family violence, and chronic Illness prevention.
Contact us today...
Cabramatta Site: (02) 9794 0150
Fairfield Site: (02) 9794 0160
Cabramatta Site
Arthur West Memorial Hall
Mcburney Road, Cabramatta 2166
(Located in Cabravale Memorial Park,
behind PCYC Fairfield - Cabramatta)
Fairfield Site
3/25 Mcburney Road, Fairfield 2165
Open hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Closed for lunch daily between 1.00pm – 2.00pm
A women's health and well-being initiative, primarily centered on supporting migrant, refugee and disadvantaged women residing with the Fairfield Local Government Area. Fairfield Women's Health Service is jointly auspiced by Bankstown Women's Health Centre and Liverpool Women's Health Centre, and funded by NSW Health through South Western Sydney Local Health District.
©2023 Fairfield Women's Health Service